March 6, 2011

I am happy

For more than one reason, but the big one that mad me smile was the fact that my best friend came back to visit on friday! She lives in California so we don't get to see each other too often. Other than the occasional skype calls. But I've missed her so much and I was ecstatic to find out she came back for a few days.

She has been my most closest friend since 8th grade, and now we are both in college. She's majoring in photography and she is a natural for capturing a beautiful picture. She has a bright future and I'm proud to know her. 

another pleasant thing that I saw was this adorable image
How cute and fitting for this blog, right? I absolutely love it! The source is Snackums.

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Thats such a cute pic! the second shot isnt showing anymore though. visiting from indie biz!
