February 25, 2011


I saw this on Gold Hearts' blog (check her out) and decide I wanted to take a stab at it.
As she explained through these steps that it's very simple to do

1. Go to wikipedia and hit random. The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 .Go to quotationspage.com and hit random. The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3. Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”. Third picture no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4. Use photoshop to put it all together.
5. Post it with this text.

Here's my result: 
Chater-Lea is actually a factory in London that made bicycles, cars, and motorcycles. How cool!
Thanks to Gold Hearts again for this awesome idea :)

February 24, 2011

My wallet says no...

Not gonna lie, I'm not a fan of shopping. It is VERY rare when I will go to a mall, or a clothing store. Let alone buy something. Although that does not mean that I do not lust over material items. Sometimes I wish I had buckets of money just lying around but then I come back to reality. Whenever I do go into a shop it's always the shoes that I gravitate towards first. Here are some that I want/need/love.

Crazy in love with 'em

These remind me of the Chloé Silverado booties *swoon*

Would wear these everyday (shamelessly)

What are some items that you are desiring at the moment?

Dear boy in my english 102 class, (pt. 3)

Today you walked me to my car again. On the way there we talked about our hobbies - I like to paint and draw. You are a musician who plays guitar and piano. We talked about your band and how they are playing a small show at a local place across the University (on March 3rd) and then I had to go run some errands. You wished me a good weekend and that we'd talk next week. I should have given you my number, I don't want to be stuck in "the friend zone", but I'm trying to wait for you to make a move.

a girl that is a wishful thinker

February 22, 2011

I cannot contain myself!!

I just got my e-mail from Indie Business (that's where you should sign up) and I'm so excited for classes to start! My little heart can't even begin to take it. My mind is filling up with ideas and plans - I know I can do it. With this course I'm just that much closer. 

Dear boy in my english 102 class, (pt. 2)

Today as I was walking out of class you were right behind me. I held the door open for you and you said thanks, I started to make small talk about the class we just left. Instead of looking at me like a weird girl that has no good reason to speak to you, you walked with me; And we talked about our schedules and you told me you were on your way to work. You made some jokes, I made some jokes, you laughed.
You walked me to my car - I was freaking out inside but I played it cool. I told you to have a good day at work and I'd see you next time. Hopefully this happens more often because I like these feelings you give me.

That girl in your class that feels like shes acting like a 12 year old with a diary

Say hello to my little friend

a.k.a - my face

Yep, this is me. After running around my town doing my errands that needed to be done; going to school and then more errands. Then having my baby niece to babysit. I'm tired but I still have much to do.  blahblahblahnothingtoointerestingtoreadhereblah.

Somethings about myself you may find intriguing, comical, or average.

I am eighteen years old.
I love to wear red lipstick.
I wish I could wear high heels more often, but I go to college and I kind of loathe the idea of walking around in heels just to go to a class. 
Although I realise cats and kittens are absolutely adorable... I prefer dogs! I am crazy over dogs.
Plus I'm allergic to cats... and mangos. DOUBLE WHAMMY.
I bow down to the creators and hard workers of Netflix. Really, those guys are awesome.

Personally, I can't think of anything else to type up. Although most of that was nonsense. 
To whomever is reading this: Let me know who you are.

February 21, 2011

I like to draw

Imagine me saying that the way Garth says "I like to play". 

But lately I've been drawing a lot of Russian dolls (or Matryoshka dolls) 
I think I want to get a tattoo of one later on in my life time. 

February 19, 2011

Dear boy in my english 102 class,

You sit next to me everyday, you hold the door for me when we leave and I say "thanks" for the nice gesture. I wish we could talk to each other a little more. I can tell that you are just as shy as I am - But maybe I can muster up the courage to ask you if you want to hangout some time. Let's see if something happens.

Sincerely timid girl that thinks you are cute and is typing a blog post about it.

February 14, 2011

Sleepless and Sick

This song makes me feel better though.

Please know that I'm your's to keep


Also known as "Lots of love" to older folk. Happy Valentines day to all! So far my valentines has been going swimmingly *insert goofy smile here*
This morning I begrudgingly woke up due to feeling ill and lack of sleep. Made myself some tea and honey, got ready for class (very slowly), and was almost running late to my early morning class. I open my door to head to the car when I see a bouquet of white and pink daisies on my door step. And a note that spells my name like MiCheL13.

As much as I wanted to relish in the moment of getting a gift from someone, who remains anonymous, I needed to rush to my class. Classes were intellectually stimulating today which is new because usually I want to get out of there as soon as possible. Once I finally got home my friend called me and asked if I wanted to have lunch with him. Umm... food and friends? Yes! So we went to a place called "Red Velvet Cafe" my first time going and it was pretty good. It's also vegan and vegetarian. I ordered the raspberry mojito tea and avocado quesadilla, but I soon found out that I DO NOT like mojitos. Although the red velvet cake we shared quickly made up for the drink. It was extremely good and I'm not even crazy about cake! 

All in all I had a fantasic Valentines day. Hope everyone else had a good one too!

February 11, 2011

I like getting mail

e-mails, snail mail, and packages sent to me! It feels like christmas. Today my new phone got sent to me, since my previous phone got lost/stolen two days ago. and I just got an e-mail from Warby Parker stating that the 5 pairs of glasses I ordered are on their way! I've been very patient, I ordered them two weeks ago, But I understand that they have their hands full. I'm just so excited!

Plus although I'm single this Valentines day I haven't really been being "sad" a second thought. Last year I was with someone and it wasn't all that exciting. Kinda cute, but not all what I thought it would have been. I'm looking forward to Presidents day weekend. My good friend and I are going to Pasadena to visit my best friend who I haven't seen in a month or so. I miss her so much and I'm really anxious to go!

February 7, 2011

Eye Candy

I'm not one to be crazy over men in my day to day life.. but this is a blog so all that goes out the door.

One man I am very fond of is Steve McQueen also known as the King of Cool. (you'd have to be insane to not respect that title) Here are some of my personal favorite pictures of him.

McQueen with Natalie Wood

Sources: Tumblr and The Selvedge Yard

February 3, 2011

ThunderCats are go!

As of today I am determined to draw more. Hopefully everyday.
I have big plans for myself for the future and this is one of the small steps I need to do.